Splendid Isolation

While I’m following advice on staying at home, I thought it might be fun to plumb my musical ignorance. Ask me a question, any musical question.
Feel free to share this offer and stay well,
Best wishes

BBC Radio 3 Proms Poetry Competition

So I haven’t been shortlisted for this year’s competition. Here’s my submission, nevertheless …

On hearing Angélique Kidjo open her Proms debut with a tribute to Celia Cruz


seeded and picking
bearing his bastards and embrace
ripped from her ancestors
to slave for the man

rhythm circles clockwise
with the Atlantic stream
stirred by ancient Yemaya
Moon womb and sea-shells

seeded with germs of empire
now picking up Her own beat
Yemaya bears our gaze
but nothing more

slave no more
keeper of deeper wisdom
surfing revolution and race
to perform an ironic curse
in a hall built with colonial purse

© David Burnand
August 2019