Splendid Isolation

While I’m following advice on staying at home, I thought it might be fun to plumb my musical ignorance. Ask me a question, any musical question.
Feel free to share this offer and stay well,
Best wishes

Netsanet (Freedom)

Here’s an arrangement of Mulatu Astatke’s ‘Netsanet’ (Freedom) …

Netsanet – C (upper part)

Netsanet – Bb (upper part)

Netsanet – Bb (lower part)

Netsanet – Eb (upper part)

Netsanet – Eb (lower part)

Netsanet – Trombone in C (lower part)

Netsanet – Bass

Netsanet – Drums

Keyboards and guitars noodle in Dm

original version https://youtu.be/krrk_1cGowE



Mulatu Astatke

The rise in popularity of Ethiopian music in the ‘West’ has brought Ethio Jazz to our attention. This hybrid style emerged in Addis Ababa in the 1960s and 70s. It’s a combination of traditional Ethiopian music, jazz, soul and funk. One of the important exponents of Ethio Jazz is Mulatu Astatke, who performed in the Brighton festival a few years back.

Here are a couple of the non-Western modes heard in Astatke’s music:

